Nothing wild & untamed today, no exotic location that is sparsely populated ... nope, today it's just a cat. Here's Nona -- a cat which once belonged to me (May 2005-October 2006) and has been in my parents' care for nearly two years now. This is on the deck of my parents' home in River Edge, New Jersey -- I blurred the background but you can tell that the wood needs Thompson's water seal.
Nona turned 3 in March. She was strictly an indoor cat while I had her (I didn't declaw my cats though ... in the event that they accidentally got outside, I wanted them to be able to defend themselves), but my father has supervised her exploits outside the home. Nona is scared of everything -- blue jays that dive bomb her, the neighbors' cat Sammy (and rightfully so -- Sammy kills everything ... he has killed chipmunks, birds), dogs, etc. She doesn't like to be held by strangers and I've become one ... the last time I picked her up, I wound up with a fist full of hair.
Nona's hobbies include chasing laser pointer lights, playing with stuffed animal mice, and sleeping.
Holy shit. She's still really cute, but they inflated her like a basketball.
That's what happens as you age :( She used to weigh about 7-8 lbs ... she was unnaturally small. Now she's at least 11-12 lbs.
This little girl cat is ADORABLE! And not at all grandmotherly. ;)
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