Sunday, August 24, 2008

Picture of the Day

From left to right, you'll see my brother Scott (age 4), my cousin Andrea (age 5), myself (age 13), and my cousin Matt (2?). I distinctly remember this book I'm reading from too -- it went through different species of sharks & whales (Some things never change, eh? I was into marine wildlife even then).

Scott's now 21 and heading into his senior year at the College of New Jersey (he's student teaching during the fall semester), my cousin Andrea just graduated from college & has a job up here in Massachusetts, I'm 30 & the least accomplished, and my cousin Matt is about to start his sophomore year at Virginia Tech. And yes, I feel really old.

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About Me

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I am a researcher, reporter and conference producer with experience spanning the aerospace & defense, biopharma, chemical, consumer electronics, energy, homeland security, human resources and IT markets.

In January I rejoined Worldwide Business Research, where I serve as program manager for Consumer Returns, SCMchem and the Digital Travel Summit.

I have an M.S. in science and medical journalism from Boston University (Dec 2008) and did my undergraduate work at Indiana University, majoring in journalism and political science (May 2001). After interning for the Chicago Tribune as a collegian, I landed my first real gig in the Windy City: I was a senior technology writer for I-Street magazine (Sept 2001-Feb 2003). I covered nanotech and biotech startups. From March-November 2003, I worked for a newsletter publisher (Exchange Monitor Publications) in DC, covering congressional hearings, the NRC & DHS.

Sally Lightfood Crab